by Wolfe Macleod | Dec 15, 2018 | Uncategorized
With the approaching NAMM show coming up, our Axemas sale to raise necessary funds is on! Use code “Axemas” during checkout to save 20%. This will be the last sale in quite some time! If you have any questions about our upcoming bass pickups, let us...
by Wolfe Macleod | Nov 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
From 8pm Thursday night till Midnight on Cyber Monday enter code “Blackfriday” to save 20% on all orders. Our first ever Black Friday sale!
by Wolfe Macleod | Oct 28, 2018 | Uncategorized
It’s not like I haven’t done bass pickups before. I’ve done them. Back in 2004, Fernandez guitars commissioned my to do a very large batch of J and P-bass pickups for their high end basses. Since then, I’ve done a few one-offs for people, but...
by Wolfe Macleod | Aug 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
The guitar player for Duff McKagan’s Loaded, Mike Squires, brought his guitar over today with my Marshallheads in it. The Marshallheads were a little squirrelly for his under high gain. He’s doing a show here in Seattle next weekend, and wanted to make...
by Wolfe Macleod | Aug 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
Well, this is bad, Really, really bad. Today our supplier for humbucker covers has burned down. Not only do they supply Wolfetone, but most people in the industry. Gibson, Duncan, Fralin, and many others as well. Getting down to our last 50 covers, I had placed a...
by Wolfe Macleod | Aug 1, 2018 | Uncategorized
Let’s play a game… Buried within this website is a coupon code for a free set of pickups of your choice. In order for you to redeem this code, you MUST provide me with the location of the code and a screenshot of said code. The code will then be...